

Railway transportation in its many forms (traditional railway, underground, tram, and high-speed) remains one of the most dynamic forms of transportation due to continuous renovation and improvements to railway infrastructure. PASAPAN está capacitada para realizar instalaciones de catenaria, electrificación y sistemas de comunicación, conjugando personal altamente cualificado con la adaptación de las tecnologías más modernas. PASAPAN`s highly qualified personnel, utilizing the most up-to-date equipment and technology install overhead power-cables, electronics and communication systems for all kinds of railway networks.


Information panels
Cantenary posts for high-speed lines
Automatic Air Conditioning and Heating

Conventional and High Speed Railways
Metro, Tram and Commuter trains
Rectifier transformer stations


  • Metro and Train Station construction
  • Construction for platforms and cantenary structures
  • Wired communication networks and copper and fibre-optic communications
  • Infrastructure and installation for GSM-R
  • Rectifier systems
  • Maintenance and renovation for rail networks